B1: Redistribution of spaces – successful participation as a key factor (German/English)
Whether high-quality, separate networks for pedestrians and cyclists or liveable neighbourhoods that serve as social meeting places and offer spaces to play are created – such transformation processes can entail significant changes. In practice, the redistribution of spaces, in particular, often generates conflicts and is charged with emotion. Based on such experience, many local authorities shy away from genuine changes or avoid participation processes. But there is also experience to the contrary which shows that participation processes can even accelerate transformation processes, and it is possible to rally majorities by means of a smart strategy. We will discuss with our speakers what participation can achieve, where it makes sense and how to implement it successfully. The question as to what extent failure and “failing well” must be taken into account will also be addressed.
Format: Master class
“Public participation as a driver of transformation?”, Petra Jens, Mobility Agency for the City of Vienna
“Mobility and regional planning – strategies for involving stakeholders from a Dutch-German perspective”, Ineke Spapé, SOAB Consultants
“Approaches to public participation”
Petra Jens
Ineke Spapé
Discussion leader:
Dr Anke Blöbaum, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg