C3: Policy decisions by the Federal Government – new guidance and financial assistance programmes for attractive cycle networks
With the National Cycling Plan 3.0, the Federal Government is defining new priorities in the promotion of cycling and is progressing the upgrading of the cycling infrastructure in Germany. The focus is on the creation of cycle networks that are physically separated from traffic both in towns and cities and in rural areas. The cycle path drive, within the framework of which the Federal Government will provide funding for capital investment projects of local authorities totalling approx. 657 million euros over the period to the end of 2023, is making a significant contribution towards implementation. At the same time, the Federal Government is seeking to achieve significant improvements in inter-urban cycling by upgrading cycle paths along federal trunk roads, cycle superhighways as well as the national cycling route network. Representatives of the Federal Government will present the programmes and answer questions from the participants.
Format: Master class
“BMVI cycling campaign – how we support federal states and local authorities in financing inviting cycling infrastructure in rural areas”
Karola Lambeck, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
“Capital investment model projects – lighthouse projects for cycling in Germany”, Thomas Hartmann, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
“Cycle paths along federal trunk roads – the Federal Government is striking out in a new direction”, Manfred Silvanus, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital
“Promotion and funding of cycling”
Karola Lambeck,
Thomas Hartmann,
Manfred Silvanus
Discussion leader:
Dagmar Köhler , German Intitute of Urban Affairs