Katja Diehl
Women in Mobility Hub Hamburg
Katja Diehl founded the womeninmobility (a female network of women in DACH) hub in Hamburg. Mentor at MentorMe is Germany’s largest professional mentoring program for women. On the federal board of Verkehrsclub Deutschland e. V. (VCD), she is pushing ahead with topics such as mobility in 2050, mobility change through mindsets and press and public relations work. Member of PANDA Women Leadership Network, a networtk of 2,200 selected women who can and want to lead – that is the PANDA. The cross-industry and cross-seniority network is constantly expanding to include women leaders from particularly sought-after industries.
Current advisory responsibilities:
FTI Advisory Board of the Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler
Advisory Board Volt Germany. Volt Europe is a pro-European citizens’ movement with party character, which is additionally registered as a national party in several countries throughout Europe due to corresponding legal provisions.
Advisory Board of International Data Group (IDG)
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