Laura Bahamon
Pena, Stadt Bogota
Laura Bahamón-Peña, industrial designer with a master’s degree in Product Planning and Design from the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany), Her passion for the bicycle start at the National University of Colombia where she designed the frame Asimetrik, one of the special bike model that was part of the program BicirrUN, the first bike share service of Colombia. She completed her master’s thesis on a public bicycle system for Bogotá, so when she returned to the country, she joined the Urban Development Institute where she collaborated in projecting new bicycle routes and ensuring the maintenance of the existing infrastructure.
Subsequently, she worked for the Ministry of Transport where she promoted the use of the bicycle in different regions of the country within the framework of the National Shared Bicycle Program, a work that allowed him to have a broader panorama of bicycle mobility at the national level. 2020 she work at the District Mobility Secretariat to articulate all the actions carried out by the administration to encourage the use of the bicycle. She was also an activist as part of the group “Nosotras Pedaleamos” that motivate and accompanies women to use the bike.
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